Lowcountry Wind Symphony Scholarship

In 2019 the Lowcountry Wind Symphony introduced a music scholarship fund for high school graduates who plan to major in music at the collegiate level and have been accepted into a college of music, as well as current music majors. To date, LWS has awarded more than $10,000 in scholarship funds to qualified applicants!


For our High School Scholarship

At the time of application, student applicants must meet the following scholarship selection criteria:

  • Students must be enrolled and in good standing at the senior class level (grade 12) in a Beaufort Public Schools high school or private high school in Beaufort/Jasper County or have graduated from high school and are a resident of Beaufort/Jasper county. Students who attend the Governors School (and whose parents/guardians reside in Beaufort or Jasper county) may be considered for a scholarship.
  • Applicants must have been accepted into a national or international accredited 2-year or 4-year college or university and accepted into an accredited national or international Conservatory and/or School of Music for the purpose of studying Music and/or Music Education (instrumental, voice, or related music disciplines) as a major.
  • Students who have applied to a school of music but are awaiting notification of acceptance may apply for an LWS scholarship. A scholarship decision will not be made nor a scholarship awarded until acceptance is confirmed. 
  • Qualified students who are accepted to a school of music AFTER high school graduation may apply for a scholarship. For example, a student who was on a “wait list” but not yet accepted to a school of music at the time of high school graduation may apply. These students must have met the other application deadline requirements to be considered for scholarship.
  • Scholarship award applicants must meet a minimum 2.5 GPA while in high school.
  • Student applicants must be a US citizen or permanent resident.


Additional High School Application Requirements

Once you have completed the application sign, scan, and upload the following documents to the form at the bottom of this page:

  • Application (signed by student applicant and for High School Students a parent or guardian signature),
  • Letter(s) of recommendation from school music director and, if applicable, private lesson instructor,
  • Statement of how an LWS Scholarship will contribute to your pursuit of a degree in music, and
  • 250-500 word essay on selected topic.

For our College Scholarship

At the time of application, student applicants must meet the following scholarship selection criteria:

  • Students who received a scholarship as outlined under high school above may apply for ongoing scholarship consideration during their college years. The maximum limit for scholarship consideration is 5 years.
  • Beaufort County School District (or Beaufort/Jasper County private school) students who are accepted to a school of music AFTER high school graduation may apply for a music scholarship (e.g. student was not accepted at the time of graduation from high school but after 1 year of college).
  • Students must meet a minimum 2.5 GPA at the college level.
  • Scholarships are limited to Undergraduate (Bachelors) Degrees only. No Graduate level (Masters and beyond) applications will receive scholarship consideration.


Additional College Application Requirements

Once you have completed the application sign, scan, and upload the following documents to the form at the bottom of this page:

  • Application (signed by applicant),
  • Letter(s) of recommendation from school music director and, if applicable, private lesson instructor,
  • Statement of how an LWS Scholarship will contribute to your pursuit of a degree in music, and
  • 250-500 word essay on selected topic.